Elton Huang

Elton Huang

China Tax Lead Partner, Central China Markets Leader, Shanghai Office Lead Partner, PwC China

Elton Huang brings over 25 years of experience serving government, as well as Chinese and multinational companies. Since 1995, when he joined PwC China, Elton has completed a number of overseas assignments in London with the European M&A Group and in San Jose, California in the US. Elton has a wealth of experience in tax planning, investment and financial structuring, and is leading a professional team in serving Chinese companies to invest overseas.

Elton is PwC China Tax Lead Partner and Lead Partner for the PwC China Shanghai Office. He is also an advisor to the International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC), an expert on the decision-making consultation group to the Shanghai Municipal Government, and a counsellor of Hangzhou Municipal Government.

Elton graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received an EMBA from CEIBS (China-Europe International Business School). Elton enjoys running marathons and ultra trail races.

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