Sustainability and climate change advisory

We assist our clients in the areas of corporate governance and business ethics, climate change and emission reductions, environmental health and safety management, corporate social responsibility, strategy and economics, responsible supply-chain management, and reporting of non-financial information.
For companies looking to improve business performance and create long-term shareholder value, we can help develop a corporate responsibility / sustainability strategy that focuses on key issues for clients' business and enhances relationships with key stakeholder groups.

Potential issues

  • You need to understand your key corporate responsibility / sustainability issues and their social, environmental and economic impact;
  • You need to develop or improve your corporate responsibility / sustainability:
    • Governance structure
    • Policy framework
    • Risk management processes, including supply chains
    • Performance measurement framework and reporting systems and processes
  • You are making a new investment, or divesting part of your business, and need due diligence work to be carried out to determine the nature and extent of any environmental / health and safety liabilities; or
  • You need to develop a carbon strategy, identify ways to reduce your direct and indirect carbon emissions and define your approach to carbon trading.

How we can support you

The sustainability and climate change practice provides advice and services in a number of areas, primarily on:

Contact us

Jianchern Siaw

Digital Trust & Risk Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2702

Jennifer Ye

Mainland China Consumer Markets Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3325

Tingcun Han

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 7307

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