Digital Trust & Risk Partner, PwC China
Stephen is a Partner who leads PwC's Risk Assurance practice of over 400 professional staff in North China. He has close to 30 years of professional experience, specialising in Financial Audit, Internal Audit, Sarbanes Oxley and Corporate Governance related services, in particular in the TMT sector; and has worked in the UK, the Middle East, Hong Kong and now mainland China where he has been based in Beijing since 2004.
Before joining PwC in 2000, Stephen spent over five years with a leading UK mutual life insurance company as the Head of its internal audit function and was responsible for the provision of a comprehensive internal audit service, including regular meetings with senior management and audit committee, advising on risk management, control and corporate governance issues.
Since joining PwC in 2000, Stephen has provided a full range of internal audit and corporate governance services to a variety of clients in both the public and private sector. He leads our Internal Audit service line in North China and has overseen our Sarbanes-Oxley Act consulting services practice since 2003. He also leads a number of Risk Assurance teams undertaking the systems and controls projects which form an integral part of the firm’s financial, IPO and SOX "Integrated" audits. His recent clients include several major US-listed media and internet companies and many US and other multi-national companies with operations in China.
In 2013 Stephen was one of the Partners appointed by the China Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) as the "Supervising Trustee", monitoring compliance with conditions set out by the Anti-Monopoly bureau as part of their approval of a major M&A deal in China. Stephen and his team were subsequently appointed to a second such role in 2014, and he continues to build experience in this role.
Stephen is a UK Chartered Accountant (ICAEW), a member of the HKICPA and a Certified Internal Auditor.
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