PwC’s Global NextGen Survey 2019

China Report

China’s private sector and in particular traditional family businesses are grappling with the impact of digital disruption. While technology giants and unicorn start-ups focused on leveraging emerging technologies are challenging existing business models, family-run companies that are set in their ways run the risk of getting left behind if they don’t keep up.

Can these companies rely on the next generation (NextGens) to act as ‘agents of change’ to transform their businesses to keep up with the evolving landscape? What challenges do NextGens face in championing enterprise transformation, and how can these be overcome? PwC’s Global NextGen Survey 2019 China Report seeks to address these questions.



of Chinese respondents are actively engaged in their family business today.


feel they need to prove themselves before they can put forward ideas for change.


feel upskilling staff should be a key business priority.


says that having a business strategy ‘fit for the digital age’ is also a key business priority.

How can NextGens act as agents of change amid digital disruption?

How can NextGens act as agents of change amid digital disruption?

Raymund Chao, PwC Asia Pacific and China Chairman

Duration: 00:02:44

Explore the survey themes

NextGens plan to take on leadership positions but feel they lack internal support

Market competition, customer needs and technology are driving change

NextGens view their level of experience as a key barrier to making business impact

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Hear our recommendations for NextGens and the current generation

How can Stewards and Transformers convince current leaders and prove their worth?
How can Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs become Agents of Change?

"NextGens in China should be confident and act as agents of change by devoting energy and resources to enhancing their digital proficiency and ability to innovate."

Benson WongPwC Hong Kong Entrepreneurial and Private Business Lead Partner

Quiz: Which NextGen path do you follow?

Are you a transformer, steward, intrapreneur or entrepreneur?

In Global NextGen Survey 2017, we identified four paths to success: transformers, stewards, intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs. Now, in 2019, according to our most recent Global NextGen Survey, 46% of NextGens identified as transformers, 26% identified as stewards, 20% identified as intrapreneurs and 8% identified as entrepreneurs.

Take this short quiz on our global website to find out which NextGen path you may be on and explore recommendations and case studies tailored to you.

Contact us

Benson Wong

Benson Wong

Entrepreneurial and Private Business Lead Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1304

Jean Sun

Jean Sun

Entrepreneurial and Private Business North China Lead Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2693

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