Welcome to our 2021 PwC China ESG Report, detailing how PwC China is placing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) at the centre of our business, and how it informs our strategic decisions. The 2021 ESG Report comprehensively showcases PwC China’s actions and achievements in areas including promoting the development of ESG, transforming to net zero, being truly human-led and building prosperity through innovation in our services. This report also highlights the specific high-priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where PwC China makes the most significant and direct contributions from its operations.
To create, protect and sustain value, businesses must consider the needs of a much broader range of stakeholders, beyond just shareholders. The pursuit of financial productivity and profitable growth alone is no longer adequate. To respond, business must reorient towards a value creation ecosystem that adds environmental sustainability, employee engagement, external partnerships, and broader societal impact to financial imperatives as measures of success. It requires a focus on ESG reporting, strategy and business transformation. The most immediate action to take is to reimagine reporting, expanding the scope and quality of disclosures to enable management of appropriate ESG factors.
At PwC China, we are on this journey alongside our clients. For over a decade, we have regularly reported the sustainability and social impact performance of the firm, and since 2011 our comprehensive disclosures have aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard. Over that time the quality and transparency of our reporting have continually evolved. Today, ESG reporting is more important than ever, and in 2021 we have also aligned this report with the World Economic Forum (WEF) International Business Council (IBC) Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, and the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This report covers our core activities aligned with the ESG commitments and priorities that we are focused on. Our 2021 reporting also aligns with the GRI standard, as detailed in this supplementary GRI Index.
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